
Upcoming Volunteer Dates

Calendar of Events

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Volunteering is fun and easy

No experience needed and there is work for everyone.

We plant, trim and weed garden beds for an hour or so most every week during season. Your work will be matched to your strength and mobility… Some people dig planter holes and snip with loppers, and others may simply pull weeds, trim with a hand clipper or carry the trash bags. Please check our Event Page (link) for dates and places.

Getting ready: We recommend your prep with sunscreen and bug spray, wear a hat, and carry a bottle of water. Bring light weight gardening gloves and, it you scratch easy, consider wearing long sleeves. Bougainvillea can be vicious. If you have a small hand clipper or favorite digging tool, bring it along.

The Club provides clippers, shovels, picks, hand diggers, big loppers, saws and trash bags.

If you want to join in as a Gardening Volunteer, please complete the information below:

Time period you are PV